Jumat, 05 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Magic Postcard Set by TASCHEN

Magic Postcard Set by TASCHEN

Magic Postcard Set

Magic Postcard Set by TASCHEN PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Get personal, get posting: Postcard Set Magic
We all know how much people like a card through the mailbox. Make someone’s day with this set of 100 postcards, carefully selected from the TASCHEN archives. Elegantly packaged in a bespoke cardboard case, with a ribbon to pull up the cards, this collection features the most dazzling images from our title Magic 1400s–1950s. Flick through and find something perfect for friends, family and acquaintances old and new. And if you love a card so much you can’t bear to send it, fear not! The collection features two copies of fifty different designs.

  • 100 postcards (two copies of fifty different designs)
  • Bespoke cardboard case, with a ribbon to pull up the cards

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