Building Cross-Platform Apps using Titanium, Alloy, and Appcelerator Cloud Services by Aaron Saunders
Building Cross-Platform Apps using Titanium, Alloy, and Appcelerator Cloud Services by Aaron Saunders PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Skip Objective-C and Java to get your app to market faster, using the skills you already have"Building Cross-Platform Apps using Titanium, Alloy, and Appcelerator Cloud Services" shows you how to build cross-platform iOS and Android apps without learning Objective-C or Java. With detailed guidance given toward using the Titanium Mobile Platform and Appcelerator Cloud Services, you will quickly develop the skills to build real, native apps-- not web apps--using existing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript know-how. This guide takes you step-by-step through the creation of a photo-sharing app that leverages the power of Appcelerator's cloud platform, and establishes fundamental concepts before adding advanced techniques. Coverage extends beyond the development process to include expert advice for deployment on the App Store or Google Play, and more.
The mobile app market is estimated at over $2.4 billion per year. These apps were traditionally built using Objective-C or Java, which can be complex and daunting to learn. Now you can use JavaScript on the Titanium framework to build amazing apps that run native on iOS and Android devices, and get your app to market faster with this guide. Integrate Cloud Services APIs into the app framework and UI Set up user accounts, and capture and store photos Work with location-based services and share via social media Deploy on the App Store, Google Play, and more
When a great idea is in the works, no one wants to put it on hold to learn an entirely new skillset. Now there's an alternative. Get that app to market fast, using existing skills and powerful new tools, and grab a piece of that multi-billion-dollar market. "Building Cross-Platform Apps using Titanium, Alloy, and Appcelerator Cloud Services" is your ticket to the front of the line.
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