Kamis, 21 Mei 2015

PDF⋙ Spot 12: Five Months in the Neonatal ICU by Jenny Jaeckel

Spot 12: Five Months in the Neonatal ICU by Jenny Jaeckel

Spot 12: Five Months in the Neonatal ICU

Spot 12: Five Months in the Neonatal ICU by Jenny Jaeckel PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A visually gripping graphic memoir, Spot 12: Five Months in the Neonatal ICU delivers the gritty details of a mother, a newborn, and a five-month stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). A routine prenatal exam reveals a dangerous problem and the first-time parents find themselves thrust into a world of close calls, sleepless nights, and psychological crisis. Surrounded by disagreements, deaths, extended family tensions, and questions of faith, the mother struggles to maintain a positive frame of mind. Against the antiseptic, mechanical reality of the NICU, the dedicated health professionals are drawn as sympathetic and wry animal characters. Doctor Eyes and Nurse Gentlehands are two of the care providers that do all they can to take care of Baby Asa. At times the parents battle feelings of helplessness but their determination, insight, bravery, and connection ultimately helps keep their little one alive.
Spot 12 was a finalist in the 2016 Best Book Awards for the Comics: Graphic Novel Catagory. 

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