Matinees with Miriam by Vicki Essex
Matinees with Miriam by Vicki Essex PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Having his heart stolen wasn't part of the plan!
Shane Patel has a way with people—a skill that's made him a success in the condo development business. But his charms are proving useless on Miriam Bateman. The Crown Theater is the key to his company's latest project. It also happens to be Miriam's home and her grandfather's legacy. She's made it clear that it's not for sale.
Despite the frustration, Shane's enjoying trying to win Miriam over. And the best part of his day becomes watching old movies with her. When Miriam's plans to reopen the theater threaten his project, though, Shane has a tough decision to make: his career or Miriam.
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