Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Colombia's Narcotics Nightmare: How the Drug Trade Destroyed Peace by James D. Henderson

Colombia's Narcotics Nightmare: How the Drug Trade Destroyed Peace by James D. Henderson

Colombia's Narcotics Nightmare: How the Drug Trade Destroyed Peace

Colombia's Narcotics Nightmare: How the Drug Trade Destroyed Peace by James D. Henderson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This history of Colombia's illegal drug trade--and of the extreme violence it created--describes how in the late 1960s narcotics traffickers from the United States convinced Colombians who had no previous involvement in the drug trade to grow marijuana for export to America. By the early '70s, foreign (mostly American) traffickers began requesting cocaine.This book focuses on the decades of crime and violence the illegal drug trade brought to Colombia and how this social upset was ended in the early 2000s. Six chapters detail the Medellin and Cali cartels' war against the Colombian government, the revolutionary guerrillas' war against the government, the war that paramilitary groups conducted against the guerrillas, and the way in which the government finally put a stop to the cartel-financed bloodshed.In conclusion, the author assesses Colombia's progress and prospects since the end of the violence claimed the lives of some 300,000 between 1975 and 2008.

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