The "Reason" of Schooling: Historicizing Curriculum Studies, Pedagogy, and Teacher Education (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series)
The "Reason" of Schooling: Historicizing Curriculum Studies, Pedagogy, and Teacher Education (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Problematizing the "reason" of schooling as historical and political, in this book leading international and interdisciplinary scholars challenge the common sense of schooling and the relation of society, education, and curriculum studies. Examining the limits of contemporary notions of power and schooling, the argument is that the principles that order school subjects, the curriculum, and teaching reforms are historical practices that govern what is thought, acted on, and talked about. Highlighting the dynamics of social exclusion, the normalizing of people through curriculum, and questions of social inclusion, The "Reason" of Schooling underscores the urgency for rethinking curriculum research.
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