Rabu, 19 November 2014

PDF⋙ The Sect (Wicked Trinity) by Courtney Lane

The Sect (Wicked Trinity) by Courtney Lane

The Sect (Wicked Trinity)

The Sect (Wicked Trinity) by Courtney Lane PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

WARNING: Not recommended for those with any triggers or sensitivities to violence, dubious and/or absent consent, and deviant sexual acts. Keaton Mara ran away from a life that had become a nightmare to live on the streets. While the location she now calls home is a dangerous place, she is protected by an unlikely friendship. The streets provided her with the education she could’ve never earned from the prestigious university she attended. Regrettably, the term ‘educated fool’ becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Due to meeting a man with whom she shares a captivating chemistry with, her judgment is clouded, resulting in a fateful decision. The consequence of trusting the prepossessing stranger results in her being stolen away to a place unknown. Her deceptive new surroundings are just as beautiful as the people who reside there. She discovers that it’s a place where the culture of sex without limits or morals is their religion. Keaton quickly begins to realize that the beautiful scenery serves to hide a very dark truth. The seductive and enigmatic man—who lured her there—desires to save her soul. His intentions are sinister, because saving her soul is synonymous with breaking her. Because Keaton believes her soul was brutally stolen from her many years ago, she thinks he can’t save (or destroy) something she no longer has. She…was…wrong.

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