Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ Living Without Limits: a memoir by Andi Jones by Andi Jones

Living Without Limits: a memoir by Andi Jones by Andi Jones

Living Without Limits: a memoir by Andi Jones

Living Without Limits: a memoir by Andi Jones by Andi Jones PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

My fear of chemistry almost prevented me from achieving my dream of becoming a nurse. By conquering chemistry, I learned that desire, determination and the willingness to be uncomfortable can obliterate perceived personal limits. I applied that knowledge to my athletic self and was able conquer challenges which ultimately led me to finish the pinnacle of one day endurance events, the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii. This book will inspire you to recognize and follow your dreams and not let your “Chemistry” keep you from achieving whatever your “Ironman” may be. Accomplishing any goal requires a first step and sometimes that step is the hardest. It is important to use our energy to work through obstacles, rather than make excuses. Obstacles are opportunities that either strengthen our drive to achieve a goal, or empower a perceived limit, which prevents us from experiencing a success waiting just beyond the obstacle. I missed seeing what was beyond many obstacles, until I recognized I was my biggest hurdle and found the courage to make a change. Allow me to inspire you to dream beyond self-imposed limits and find the courage to pursue those dreams.

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